

உலகளாவிய இலங்கை அப்போஸ்தலிக்க மறைமாவட்டம்

ගෝලීය අපොස්තලික සභාවේ ලංකා දියෝසීසය

The Global Apostolic Diocese Of Ceylon

(Accredited & Affiliated By The Synod Of The Global Apostolic Dioceses & Churches Inc. USA)
1st Century Full Gospel Apostolic Denomination - Registered By USA Federal Govt - A 501 c (3) Inter Govt. IGO - With a Validity Period Of 99 Years.

The Global Apostolic Diocese of Ceylon will function as the Sri Lanka chapter of the Synod of the Global Apostolic Dioceses and Churches USA denominationally adhering to the first Century Full Gospel, Apostolic model of faith.

We are present in over 100 countries working with evangelical and mainstream churches maintaining cordial relations with members of other faiths. We remain an independent Diocese in Sri Lanka and are in no way connected with or in conflict with any other Dioceses or Churches. Our Bishops are consecrated independently by the mandate granted to us and we are not associated in any way with any mainstream church.

Branch Churches overseas and Churches in Sri Lanka in agreement with the model of faith may obtain membership of the GADC headed by an ordained Bishop of SGADC USA whose global Head is the Patriarch assisted by the Archbishops' Council.

The GADC will have its own ordained Christian Ministers who will obtain ordination credentials and valid IDS to function from the SGADC USA.
